Professional Experience

2020 - | Lead Architecture & Innovation, mytaxi / free now |
2018 - 2020 | Lead IT Infrastructure, mytaxi / free now |
2016 - 2018 | Infrastructure & Security, NumberFour AG |
2014 - 2016 | Lead Build and Release Engineer, NumberFour AG |
2013 - 2014 | Deputy Head of Quality Management / Senior Quality Engineer, mondia media group |
2011-2013 | Senior Build & Deployment Engineer, mondia media group (previously arvato mobile) |
2007-2011 | Head of Java Development, arvato mobile |
2006-2007 | Senior Java Developer, arvato mobile |
2001-2006 | Research assistant, OFFIS |
2002-2006 | College lecturer, Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg |
Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg - diploma in computer science/psychology
- Herzblut
Leadership competencies
- Communicator
- To aid and develop people
- Result orientated
- Team building
- Motivator
Soft skills
- Strong problem solving and analytical skills.
- Good verbal and written communication skills.
- Ability to work independently and as part of a team.
- Creative
- Continuous Integration/Deployment
- 12-factor app
- Administration/Maintenance of Debian, Ubuntu, CentOS
Infrastructure as Code
- Kubernetes ,Docker, Ansible, Terraform
Iaas/PaaS/SaaS Management
- Okta, Onelogin, GSuite, O365
- Slack Enterprise Grid, Zendesk, Github, Zoom
- Bettercloud, Workato
- AWS Cloudwatch / Cloudtrail / Config
- ELK, Graylog, Icinga, monitd
- Firwalls
Build management
- SBT, Maven, ANT
- Jenkins, Nexus, SonarQube
- GitHub Enterprise
- JIRA, Confluence
- Firewalls (Fortigate, pfSense, Untangle)
- OpenVPN
- Amazon AWS (EC2/S3/VPC/VPN/...)
- Virtualization (KVM)
- UCS - Univention Central User Management
- WiFi Infrastructure
QA Tooling
- Atlassian Crucible/Fisheye
- qaTraq
Software development
- SpringMVC, Struts, Eclipse, OOA/OOD
- MySQL, PostgreSQL
Programming skills
- Java, Sun Certified Java Programmer (SCJP)
- web development
- python, bash, awk ... you name it
- cycling
- gaming
- music
- literature (mostly SCI-FI and fantasy)
- badminton
Niccimon - Das Niedersächsische Kompetenzzentrum Informationssysteme für die Mobile Nutzung: Bericht und Ausblick (paperback)
- paperback: 215 pages
- publisher: Shaker;
- date: July 2006
- language: German
- ISBN-10: 3832252282
- ISBN-13: 978-3832252281
buy it at Amazon
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[1] BALDZER, Jörg, HEUCK Christoph, Reimers Ulrich (Hrsg.): DVB-H und IP-Datacast In: Niccimon – Das Niedersächsische Kompetenzzentrum Informationssysteme für die Mobile Nutzung, Bericht und Ausblick, ISBN 978-3-8322-5228-1, Erscheinungsdatum: Juli 2006
[2] BALDZER, Jörg; BOLL, Susanne; THIEME, Sabine; APPELRATH, Hans-Jürgen: Night Scene Live – a multimedia application for mobile revellers on the basis of a hybrid network, using DVB-H and IP Datacast. In: IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME’05), Juli 2005.
[3] BALDZER, Jörg; KRÖSCHE, Jens; BOLL, Susanne: MobiDENK – Mobile Multimedia in Monument Conservation. In: IEEE MultiMedia 11 (2004), Nr. 2, S. 72–77.
[4] BALDZER, Jörg; BOLL, Susanne; KRÖSCHE, Jens; RUMP, Norbert; SCHEIBNER, Henning; THIEME, Sabine: Location-Based Geodata Broadcasting. In: 1st Workshop on Positioning, Navigation, and Communication 2004 (WPNC’04) – Poster Session Bd. 0.1. Hannover, März 2004, S. 67–73.
[5] BALDZER, Jörg; BOLL, Susanne; KLANTE, Palle; KRÖSCHE, Jens; MEYER, Jochen; RUMP, Norbert; SCHERP, Ansgar; APPELRATH, Hans-Jürgen: Location-Aware Mobile Multimedia Applications on the Niccimon Platform. In: GESAMTZENTRUM FÜR VERKEHR BRAUNSCHWEIG E. V. (GZVB) (Hrsg.): 2. Braunschweiger Symposium Informationssysteme für mobile Anwendungen IMA 2004. Braunschweig, Oktober 2004, S. 318–334.
[6] RUMP, Norbert; GERAMANI, Konstantina; BALDZER, Jörg; THIEME, Sabine; SCHERP, Ansgar; KRÖSCHE, Jens; MEYER, Jochen: Potentials of pervasive computing in highly interactive workplaces. In: CHA, J. (Hrsg.); JARDIM-GONC¸ ALVES, R. (Hrsg.) ; STEIGERGARC: 10th ISPE International Conference on concurrent Engineering: Research and Applications. Madeira Island, Portugal : A. A. Balkema Publishers, Lisse/Abingdon/ Exton(PA)/Tokyo, July 2003, S. 733–739.
[7] FÖLLSCHER, Heiko; THIEME, Sabine; BALDZER, Jörg; KOPETZKI, Sven; KRÖSCHE, Jens; MEYER, Jochen; SCHAEFFER, Michael; SCHIEK, Ulrich; UNRUH, Claus; WINGBERMÜHLE, Jochen: Der Mobile Persönliche Kommunikationsassistent: Ein Technologiedemonstrator des Niccimon-Projekts. In: GESAMTZENTRUM FÜR VERKEHR BRAUNSCHWEIG E. V. (GZVB) (Hrsg.): 1. Braunschweiger Symposium Informationssysteme für mobile Anwendungen IMA 2002. Braunschweig, 2002.
[8] BALDZER, Jörg; GOTTSCHALK, Michael; BOLL, Susanne: CombiTag - playing multimedia memory in our physical environment In: Pervasive Games Workshop 2006,2006